Digital Works- Originals vs. Edited using Gimp


Above I first applied a filter to the original, then superimposed coils to represent the hair. I also wanted to emphasize the jaw so a teacup was also superimposed, following the guideline of my chin. Through this i lost the definition of the nose so i drew in an outline.

blooming lotus flowerflower

Here i made a collection of layers, half with no editing and the other half with various filters. I switched it off, original, non, original,non… to create the flashing. then in each frame i slowly moved the golden orb up, then halfway through i slowly started moving it down.


This one was just a selection of different filters and an upping in the contrast of the colors.


Here i added multiple layers of white squares and differed the opacity to create a tiled look, the4n superimposing a tie and mustache to mimic the preexisting ones. Bananas were layered in the back for comedic releif.


All that was done here was converting the picture to black and white through a greyscale and then precisely coloring the tie in red.


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